+++ Joint project EthaNa - Construction of the pilot plant is progressing smoothly / / In September 2017, B+B launched the "EthaNa" joint project together with the Fraunhofer Institute for Chemical-Biotechnological Processes (CBP) in Leuna and 10 partners to develop an innovative process for the mild, alcoholic extraction of rapeseed. The alternative processing line should be integrab ...
+++ ADM Wild - EPCM Project Flavor Production / / B+B Engineering was commissioned by ADM WILD Europe GmbH & Co.KG as EPCM contractor.
The aim of the project is to increase the capacity of the flavor production.
B+B Engineering provides the EPCM services for the phases of project preparation, planning, procurement, execution as well as commis ...
+++ Amino Frellstedt - Media supply / / B+B is planning the extension of the steam supply and the complete media distribution for a plant extension at Amino GmbH, Frellstedt.
+++ совместный проект «EthaNa» / / Link В сентябре 2017 года B + B запустил совместный проект «EthaNa» вместе с Институтом Химическо-Биотехнологических процессов (CBP) Фраунгофер в г. Лейна и 10-ю партнерами в целях разработки инновационного процесса для получения алкогольной экстракции из масличного рапса. EthaNa обозначает этанолов ...